B2B eCommerce has become a cornerstone of modern business operations – especially for manufacturers and distributors of all shapes, sizes and industries. As companies strive to streamline their processes and expand their reach, choosing an eCommerce platform can make or break their online success. Two prominent players in this arena, Shopify and BigCommerce, have emerged as leading contenders for businesses seeking robust B2B solutions, especially merchants that lean into SaaS versus owned software. The purpose of this article is to not specifically endorse one over the other but to compare. BigCommerce launched its B2B offering first with its B2B Edition release 2 years ago based on a strategic acquisition 2 years prior to that. But Shopify intends to compete in the mid market eCommerce space as well – soft launching its B2B platform for about a year.

In this article, we’ll explore Shopify B2B and BigCommerce, comparing their features, capabilities, and overall value proposition today. But stay tuned as things are changing quickly!

General Usability and Setup

When it comes to eCommerce platforms, the ease of use and setup process can significantly impact your business operations and growth potential. Let’s examine how Shopify and BigCommerce stack up in this area.

Shopify: Simplicity at Its Core

Shopify has built its reputation on user-friendliness and simplicity. Its intuitive dashboard and interface make navigating the platform easy for even those with limited technical expertise. The setup process is designed to be quick and straightforward, allowing businesses to get their online store up and running in a short amount of time. Additionally, the drag-and-drop store builder simplifies the process of customizing the look and feel of the store, and the extensive template library provides a wide range of pre-designed options. These features combined make Shopify an attractive option for businesses that want to get their online store up and running quickly without a steep learning curve.

Shopify’s user-friendly approach extends beyond the initial setup. The platform offers a range of built-in features and tools that are easy to use and understand, such as inventory management, order processing, and customer relationship management. This allows businesses to manage their day-to-day operations efficiently without extensive training or technical support. Additionally, Shopify’s App Store provides access to a vast ecosystem of third-party apps that can be easily integrated to extend the platform’s functionality and tailor it to specific business needs. This combination of simplicity, functionality, and flexibility makes Shopify a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and experience levels.

BigCommerce: Power Packed with Flexibility – an “Open Commerce” Philosophy

While requiring a slightly higher level of technical expertise, BigCommerce offers greater control and adaptability. The platform’s robust out-of-the-box features provide a solid foundation for businesses to build upon. At the same time, its advanced customization options allow the platform to be tailored to meet unique business requirements.

This flexibility extends to product management, where businesses can leverage BigCommerce’s capabilities to handle complex product catalogs, pricing structures, and customer segmentation. Additionally, BigCommerce’s powerful API capabilities enable seamless integrations with third-party systems and applications, enhancing the platform’s adaptability and scalability.

This focus on functionality and customization (their Open API architecture) makes BigCommerce a compelling choice for businesses with the technical resources to fully leverage its capabilities. The platform’s ability to grow and adapt to evolving needs ensures that businesses are not limited by the platform’s constraints, allowing for greater innovation and agility in their eCommerce strategies. Moreover, the investment in technical know-how can yield significant long-term benefits, as businesses can create highly tailored and efficient eCommerce operations that drive growth and competitive advantage.

B2B-Specific Features

Specialized features can make all the difference in B2B eCommerce. Let’s compare how Shopify and BigCommerce cater to the unique needs of B2B businesses.

Shopify’s B2B Offerings

Shopify has been making strides in the B2B space, offering:

  1. Second store option with password protection
    • Allows for separate B2B pricing and catalogs
    • Provides basic access control for business customers
  2. Wholesale subdomain on Shopify Plus
    • Enables creation of a dedicated B2B storefront
    • Offers some customization for B2B buyers

Shopify is also now promoting specific B2B features, which the Wasserman team has viewed and tested out including:

  • Company Profiles
  • Customer-specific catalogs
  • Quantity Rules
  • Volume Pricing
  • Other B2B features available through available APIs and custom apps
BigCommerce’s B2B Offerings

Right Now BigCommerce has more B2B features out of the box ready to go. BigCommerce has invested heavily in its B2B functionality, offering:

  1. Out-of-the-box advanced features
    • Custom pricing groups
    • Quote management system
    • Bulk ordering capabilities
  2. Integration of B2B and B2C within the same store
    • Seamless switching between B2B and B2C experiences
    • Unified inventory and order management

These features allow for a more sophisticated B2B operation, catering to businesses with diverse customer bases and complex pricing structures.

The impact of these B2B-specific features on customer experience and operational efficiency is significant. BigCommerce’s native capabilities often translate to smoother operations and a more tailored experience for B2B buyers, potentially leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Future-Proofing Your eCommerce Investment

As your business grows, your eCommerce platform should be able to keep pace. Let’s examine how Shopify and BigCommerce handle scalability and future-proofing.

Shopify’s Capacity for Growth

Shopify offers several features that support business expansion:

  1. Managing up to 1,000 inventory locations
    • Ideal for businesses with multiple warehouses or fulfillment centers
    • Enables efficient inventory tracking across locations
  2. Unlimited sales without revenue caps
    • No restrictions on transaction volume
    • Suitable for high-growth businesses

These features make Shopify an attractive option for businesses anticipating rapid growth or those with complex inventory management needs.

BigCommerce’s Scalability Options

BigCommerce takes a different approach to scalability:

  1. Upgrade paths for growing businesses
    • Tiered plans with increasing features and capabilities
    • Smooth transitions as business needs evolve
  2. Revenue-based plan structure
    • Automatic upgrades based on annual online sales
    • Ensures access to appropriate features and support levels.

When considering long-term platform selection, start with assessing your current needs and future aspirations. A platform that can accommodate your growth without requiring a complete overhaul can save significant time and resources in the long run.

Customization and Flexibility

In B2B eCommerce, standing out is crucial. The ability to customize your online store and create a unique brand experience can be a significant differentiator.

BigCommerce’s Native Functionality and Customization Options

BigCommerce takes a more integrated approach:

  • Robust built-in features reduce reliance on apps
  • Advanced customization options for developers
  • Flexible theme editing capabilities

This approach often results in a more cohesive and streamlined store management experience.
The role of customization in creating unique brand experiences cannot be overstated. A platform that allows you to tailor every aspect of your online store to your brand identity and customer needs can significantly enhance your market position and customer loyalty.

Shopify’s App Ecosystem and Limitations

Shopify’s approach to customization revolves around its app marketplace:

  • Extensive app store with thousands of add-ons
  • Easy integration of third-party solutions
  • Potential for increased costs with multiple apps

While this model offers flexibility, it can lead to a patchwork of solutions and increased complexity in managing your store.

SEO and Marketing Capabilities: Driving Traffic and Conversions

For SEO, visibility is key. Your eCommerce platform’s SEO and marketing capabilities can significantly impact your online presence and bottom line.

BigCommerce’s Advanced SEO Customizations

BigCommerce provides more advanced SEO capabilities:

  • Full control over URL structures
  • Advanced product filtering without creating duplicate content
  • Built-in microdata for rich snippets

These features give businesses more control over their SEO strategy and can lead to improved search engine rankings.

The impact of SEO on B2B eCommerce success is profound. Higher search engine rankings can lead to increased visibility, more qualified leads, and ultimately, higher conversion rates. A platform that supports comprehensive SEO strategies can be a powerful asset in your digital marketing arsenal.

Shopify’s SEO Features and Limitations

Shopify offers a solid foundation for SEO:

  • Built-in basic SEO tools
  • Automatic sitemap generation
  • Customizable title tags and meta descriptions

However, Shopify has some limitations:

  • Lack of control over URL structures
  • Challenges with creating non-product pages

These limitations can be frustrating for businesses with complex SEO strategies.

Security and Reliability

In B2B eCommerce, security and reliability are non-negotiable. Let’s examine how Shopify and BigCommerce stack up in these critical areas.

Shopify’s Established Security Measures

Shopify has built a reputation for robust security:

  • PCI DSS Level 1 compliant
  • Automatic SSL certificates
  • Regular security updates and patches

These measures provide a strong foundation for protecting sensitive business and customer data, including financial information, personal details, and confidential business communications. Shopify employs encryption protocols to safeguard data transmission, ensuring information remains secure during transit. Additionally, the platform adheres to strict privacy policies and undergoes regular security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities. This commitment to security instills confidence in businesses and their customers, fostering trust and long-term relationships.

BigCommerce’s Security Features and Marketplace

BigCommerce also prioritizes security:

  • PCI DSS Level 1 compliance
  • DDoS protection
  • Regular security audits

While BigCommerce’s app marketplace may be smaller than Shopify’s, this is an advantage from a security perspective, as fewer third-party integrations can mean fewer potential vulnerabilities.

The importance of security in B2B transactions cannot be overstated. A single security breach can damage your reputation and erode customer trust. Choosing a platform with strong security measures is crucial for long-term success in B2B eCommerce.

Pricing and Total Cost of Ownership

When selecting an eCommerce platform, understanding the total cost of ownership is critical for making an informed decision.

Shopify’s Pricing Structure and Additional Costs

Shopify’s pricing model includes:

  • Tiered monthly plans
  • Transaction fees (unless using Shopify Payments)
  • Additional costs for apps and themes

While the initial costs of Shopify’s monthly plans might seem appealing, it’s important to consider the long-term expenses. As your business grows and requires additional functionality, you may need to install various apps from the Shopify App Store. These apps often come with subscription fees, which can accumulate over time. Additionally, if you choose not to use Shopify Payments, you’ll incur transaction fees on each sale, increasing your overall costs.

Therefore, it’s important to factor in these potential expenses when evaluating Shopify’s affordability for your B2B business. While the base plans might fit within your budget initially, the costs can escalate significantly as you scale your operations and require more features. This is especially true for B2B businesses with complex needs, as they are more likely to require specialized apps and integrations to support their unique workflows and customer requirements.

BigCommerce’s Pricing Model and Value Proposition

BigCommerce takes a different approach:

  • Tiered plans based on annual sales volume
  • No transaction fees
  • More built-in features reduce the need for additional apps

While BigCommerce’s plans may have a higher starting price, including more advanced features may provide better value for complex B2B operations.

Evaluating the true cost of each platform for B2B businesses requires looking beyond the base pricing. Consider factors such as necessary features, potential growth, and long-term scalability when assessing the total cost of ownership.

Making the Right Choice for Your B2B Business

Selecting the right eCommerce platform is a critical decision that can shape the future of your B2B operations.

5 Key Factors to Consider

When evaluating platforms, consider:

  1. Current and future business needs
  2. Technical resources and expertise
  3. Budget and total cost of ownership
  4. Scalability and growth potential
  5. Integration capabilities with existing systems

If you still need guidance on which platform is best for your business, we can help. At Wasserman Digital, we’re committed to helping you unlock the full potential of your eCommerce operations by providing:

  • Expert guidance in platform selection and implementation
  • Custom development and integrations
  • Ongoing optimization and support

Being both a BigCommerce partner and Shopify Plus partner, you can gain access to our deep expertise and our proven track record of driving B2B eCommerce success.

Ready to take the next step in your B2B eCommerce journey? Let’s connect and explore how we can help you make the most of BigCommerce’s powerful features.
