Replatforming your eCommerce site can be tricky, but can be easier with the right team. After reading our article “4 Key Risks to Avoid when Replatforming your eCommerce site” to learn what to avoid when replatforming, it’s time to learn some of the best practices to follow. Drawing from our extensive experience, we believe that the following 5 strategies are critical to mitigate risks and enhance project success:

1. Detailed Requirements Gathering

A thorough requirements analysis is foundational to the success of any eCommerce system implementation. This process involves more than just understanding the basic needs of the business; it requires a comprehensive collection of requirements across multiple dimensions to effectively plan and execute all subsequent phases of the project.

Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements are core to the project, detailing what the system must do to support day-to-day business operations. This includes user roles, desired functionalities, user interactions, and backend processes. Gathering these requirements ensures that the system will meet the practical needs of users and align with business objectives.

Technical Requirements

Technical requirements, assuming it is not a SaaS solution, specify the technical architecture, hardware, software, database configurations, and security protocols needed for the new system. These may also include the devices that need to be supported. Technical requirements are crucial for ensuring that the system is robust, scalable, and capable of integrating with existing technology stacks.

Marketing Requirements

Marketing requirements capture the needs related to customer acquisition, retention, and engagement strategies. This includes tools for SEO, social media integration, email marketing capabilities, and personalization. Understanding these needs is vital for driving traffic and increasing conversion rates on the eCommerce platform.

Data Conversion and System Integration Requirements

These requirements focus on the migration of existing data into the new system and the seamless integration of the eCommerce platform with other business systems such as CRM, ERP, and accounting software. Data conversion requirements ensure that all historical data is accurately and efficiently transferred to the new system without loss or corruption. System integration requirements are critical for creating a cohesive technology ecosystem that enhances data flow and automates processes across different business functions.

Collecting detailed and clear requirements in all these areas not only helps in creating a comprehensive blueprint for the eCommerce system but also ensures that all subsequent phases of the project—from design and development to testing and deployment—are well-informed and targeted to meet the specific needs of the business. This approach minimizes risks, avoids scope creep, and aligns the project more closely with strategic business goals.

2. Selecting the Appropriate Platform

Choosing the right eCommerce platform is a critical decision that should be made with careful consideration of the detailed requirements gathered in the initial phase of the project. It is essential that this decision goes beyond the surface-level features advertised in marketing materials and is based on a deep understanding of each platform’s capabilities, limitations, and alignment with your specific business needs.

Alignment with Detailed Requirements

Once the functional, technical, marketing, data conversion, and system integration requirements have been clearly defined, these criteria should form the basis of your platform selection process. This ensures that the chosen platform can not only meet the current demands of the business but also adapt to future growth and changes.

Expert Knowledge and Evaluation

Leveraging expert knowledge is crucial in this process. The Wasserman Digital team has hands-on experience with various platforms such as Adobe Commerce (the open source version of Adobe Commerce), Bigcommerce, Shopify, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud, and we can provide insights that are not apparent in vendor presentations or promotional materials. We can offer a realistic assessment of how well a platform can integrate with existing systems, scale as the business grows, and meet your business needs.


The chosen platform should not only be robust enough to handle your current operations and immediate roadmap, but also flexible enough to adapt to future technological advancements and business requirements. This includes considerations for emerging technologies, compliance updates, and evolving customer expectations.

Selecting a platform after a thorough analysis of detailed requirements and expert evaluations ensures that the eCommerce solution will be a strategic fit for your business, capable of driving growth and improving operational efficiency. This approach minimizes the risk of costly workarounds or overhauls due to platform limitations.

3. Exceptional Project Management

Effective project management is pivotal to navigating the complexities of eCommerce system implementation. By adopting advanced project management techniques, your organization can enhance coordination, manage risks, and ensure smooth delivery. This section discusses essential components such as scheduling, communication, risk management, change management, and task management.


Creating a detailed project schedule that outlines all key phases, milestones, and deadlines is crucial. This schedule should be realistic, based on the detailed requirements and resource availability, and should include buffer times to accommodate potential delays. Regular schedule reviews and updates are necessary to adjust for project dynamics and ensure that every team member is aware of their timelines.


Establish a clear communication plan that outlines how information will be shared among stakeholders, the frequency of updates, and the tools used for communication. This plan should promote transparency and ensure that all parties are consistently informed about project progress, decisions, and changes. Effective communication is particularly important in a dynamic environment where decisions and adjustments are frequent.

Risk Management

Identify potential risks early in the project, including technical challenges, resource constraints, and scope creep. Develop a risk mitigation plan that includes contingency strategies and clear responsibilities for managing these risks. Regular risk assessments should be conducted throughout the project lifecycle to address new risks as they arise and to implement the mitigation strategies proactively.

Task Management

Utilize robust task management tools to assign tasks, track progress, and manage dependencies among tasks. Clear task ownership and deadlines help to ensure accountability and facilitate the efficient completion of project deliverables. Regular task reviews allow project managers to reallocate resources as needed and keep the project on track.

4. Comprehensive Quality Assurance

Comprehensive quality assurance (QA) is crucial in ensuring that the eCommerce system not only meets technical standards but also aligns perfectly with business requirements and user expectations. This involves a multi-layered testing strategy that includes system testing, accessibility testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). Well-crafted test plans that are closely aligned with the detailed business requirements are essential to this process.

System Testing

System testing involves evaluating the complete and integrated software product to ensure compliance with the specified requirements. This phase tests the system as a whole to verify that all modules function together as intended under various scenarios. Test plans for system testing should cover all functionalities and performance criteria outlined in the requirements documentation.

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility testing ensures that the eCommerce platform is usable by people of varying abilities, including those with disabilities. This not only helps in reaching a wider audience but also complies with legal standards such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Test plans should include scenarios to check the user interface for accessibility features like keyboard navigation, screen reader compatibility, and appropriate color contrasts.

Integration Testing

Integration testing checks the data flow and interaction between integrated components or systems. This testing is critical in eCommerce setups where various subsystems such as payment gateways, inventory management, order management, and customer databases must work seamlessly together. The test plans for integration testing should focus on the interfaces and data handling between systems to ensure data integrity and functional behavior.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

UAT is the final phase of testing and involves real-world usage scenarios to ensure the system meets business needs and user expectations. It is conducted with actual users and aims to validate the overall experience and functionality of the system. The test plans for UAT should be based on real user stories and business process workflows to effectively assess system performance and usability in live conditions.

Each of these testing phases requires meticulously written test plans that align closely with the business requirements identified during the project’s planning stages. These plans should outline specific test cases, expected outcomes, testing procedures, and criteria for passing each test. Proper documentation and tracking of testing results are crucial for addressing any issues and ensuring the system is fully prepared for deployment.

By embracing a thorough and methodically structured QA process, organizations can significantly mitigate the risk of post-launch issues, enhance user satisfaction, and ensure that the new eCommerce system robustly supports their business objectives.

5. Support and Training

Effective support and training are essential components of a successful eCommerce system implementation, ensuring that all users are competent and confident in utilizing the new system. Additionally, integrating change management strategies into the support and training processes can significantly enhance the adoption and utilization of the new platform.

Comprehensive Training Programs

Develop comprehensive training programs tailored to different user groups within the organization. These should cover all necessary functionalities of the new eCommerce system, from basic navigation to advanced features specific to job roles. Utilizing a variety of training methods, such as in-person workshops, webinars, and self-paced online courses, can accommodate different learning styles and schedules.

Ongoing Support Structures

Establish ongoing support structures to assist users after the initial rollout. This support could include a dedicated helpdesk, user manuals, FAQ resources, and regular follow-up training sessions to address new features or updates. Ensuring that users have access to responsive and helpful support is crucial for maintaining system efficiency and user satisfaction.

Change Management Integration

Incorporate change management principles into the training and support framework to help users navigate the transition more smoothly. This involves clear communication about the reasons for the change, the benefits of the new system, and support for users during the transition period. Change management efforts should also gather user feedback to refine training and support services continually.

Feedback Loops and Continuous Improvement

Implement feedback loops that allow users to report issues, suggest improvements, and express their experiences with the new system. This feedback is invaluable for ongoing system refinement and helps in identifying additional training needs or areas where users may struggle.

By enhancing support and training with change management strategies, organizations can foster a more adaptable and resilient workforce that is better equipped to leverage the new eCommerce system to its full potential. This holistic approach not only prepares the organization for initial implementation but also supports continuous improvement and adaptation over time.


Adopting a strategic and thoughtful approach to your eCommerce replatforming project will not only address the immediate technical and operational challenges but also position your business for long-term success in the digital marketplace. By embracing these best practices, you can ensure that your eCommerce venture is robust, secure, and poised to meet the evolving demands of your customers. Contact us to learn how we can help with your replatforming projects!
